Independent Candidate Carlson attacks Clinton's gender-quota strategy in 2016 Presidential election


Date: Dec. 17, 2014

STEVE CARLSON TO U.S. Supreme Court - MAKE Gov. DAYTON RE-CERTIFY Franken Senate race

The U.S. Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 4) requires that each state prescribe the manner of selection of U.S. Senators, and then follow and enforce those prescribed laws. But Mark Dayton, to help Al Franken and Mark Ritchie avoid a contest challenging the constitutionality of his campaign's and his parties practices, unlawfully released a certificate for Franken to the U.S. Senate during the tolling period where such release is prohibited by law. Carlson asks the U.S. Court to reverse a Minnesota Supreme Court refusal to force Dayton to follow the law.

Hillary Clinton and the "Minnesota Vota Quota" system of picking federal officials and judges

On August 27-28, 2015 Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and other Democrat presidential candidates came to Minneapolis to plan their general eletction strategy for 2016. Steve Carlson, U.S. Senate Nominee for the Minnesota Independence (formerly Reform) Party, defends free and fair elections based on the issues independent voters care about, and attacks identity politics rampant and destroying the nation right now.

Memorandum of Law against Chief Justice Lori Gildea to toss the Independence Party appeal

Carlson sues to get on Independence Party primary ballot for President of the United States in 2016

Carlson: Dayton and Simon have present legal duty to invalidate Franken election petition

Smiley v. Holm. How the U.S. Supreme Court empowered state legislatures to clean up federal elections with the power of the U.S. Constitution. News flash!

Al Franken uses same dirty tricks used in 1977 to stuff fraud contest of Ron Paul in Texas.

After Al illegally obtains election certificate, he wants the whole contest to stop. But Minnesota's law is designed to dovetail with the Constitution, and Section 4 of the Congress Article of the Constitution grants Minnesota the right to prescribe and enforce a contest statute. Free and fair elections count in Minnesota.

Dayton and Ritchie deliberately falsify Al Franken's election certificate and cover letter to U.S. Senate Secretary

Read Mimi Wright's opinion protecting Betty McCollum from the election laws she violated.

On January 6, 2015, the 114th Congress was re-organized. An election contest was filed December 2, 2014 filed against Al Franken for serious, deliberate, material violation of Minnesota election law and the U.S. Constitution. I am not aware of any communication from the U.S. Senate to me in response to that contest. But Minnesota courts, again, impermissibly attempted to block a House of Congress, this time the U.S. Senate, from acting as the judges, instead impermissibly trying to judge themselves, with a 3-judge panel. But this is incredibly dangerous to and destructive of, our civil rights and voting rights, and undermines the Constitution in a way warned of by the U.S. Supreme court in an 1884 case called Ex parte Yarbrough. Carlson explains how the Senate is supposed to be chosen (Part I) and why the Senate needs to allow campaigns to take all the money out of Congressional elections, by allowing use of voter e-mail addresses (Part II).

On December 18, a panel led by trial judge of the year John Van De North railroaded Al Franken to the U.S. Senate in violation of the Minnesota elections law and the U.S. Constitution, mishandling an election contest of serious, material and deliberate violation of Minnesota elections law and the Constitution.

Why Minnesota courts should not be allowed to RAILROAD Minnesota election for Senate by avoiding New Yorker Al Franken's responsibility for his wrongful conduct, which destroys the voting rights of Minnesotans

On December 18 in St. Paul, a trial of an election contest was held for over three hours. The record will be forwarded to the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C. to determine the contest. Senator Franken's election certification will be held until the record is completed and then forwarded with it, plus evidence of serious, material and deliberate violations by Senator Franken and the Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie.

Parts I and II of U.S. Senate election contest Steve Carlson's response to requests from Franken and Ritchie to dismiss the contest and block it from reaching the U.S. Senate

Steve Carlson, 2014 Nominee for U.S. Senate to run against U.S. Sen. Al Franken, has filed an Election Contest against Franken because of Al's AMAZING ability to create impressions--here the impression that the IP had no U.S. Senate Nominee, that the IP was not a major political party with equal rights, and that he could use his Zen art of boredom to astound the nation with a sweeping and convincing "victory". Only the election's not valid.
